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Grayson I had my Personal Trainer Assessment today. Basically Mary needed to know how far she could push me on this program. Mary works at Steve Nash Fitness World at W. Georgia and Bute, which is one block from my office. The proximity to work of this gym is crucial for the overall success as time is the killer.

Mary put me through a cardio test, push up, pull up, chest press, lat pull down, lunges both on and off a bosu ball and tried to stretch out my leg. She has now seen what a Ford hamstring and quad combination is unwilling to do.

Basically I’m stronger than I look (thank you Karate). However, as I suspected, my back area is weak. When doing a non weighted reverse fly, the connections at the hip bone are very, very resistant.

The plan is to have a Tuesday workout each week. Twice during the week I will do what I call “Mary Homework”. She is currently preparing my self-inflicted follow up work.

Mary Casey and a Large Orange Moose

click to enlarge, if you dare

The official start date is Monday March 28. I am trying to make sure I have everything organized by then. The food process will be interesting because if I don’t have the meat-and-vegetables pre-planned and prepared, mistakes will happen.

And now a word from our sponsor: I heard that Whistler was extending their ski season this year. Check it out.

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